Controls: D to jump / swap menu item, K to shoot / select menu item

A little game I made in a few days for the 2 button jam. First game I've made so plenty of errors. Be as brutal as you want with feedback. Also, I forgot to add audio and by the time I realized the game jam was almost up so oh well.

Made withGodot


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Things I wanted to add but didn't get around to:

- Audio was the biggest one but like I said above I forgot and by the time I remembered I had 5 minutes left to submit and had to figure out how to export from godot and upload to so oh well.

- A boss fight when you get to a certain amount of points. I had this idea for a boss fight where you'd have to dodge projectiles and stuff, then you'd have the option to keep going (endless mode) or back to main menu but sadly I didn't have time to implement that.

- A decent main menu. I made the main menu last second so it kinda blows, but it actually works! (from my testing hopefully it doesn't break for anyone else)

- A highscore system. If I had like 10 more minutes this probably would've been easy to implement but I was dumb and waited until the last minute.

- Leaderboard. I wanted to add a leaderboard with a score system based on your score attained and how long it took to get there to add a little extrinsic incentive to play better

This is good for your first game! It's really common for jammers to not get around to everything they wanted to add. I'd say it's actually the norm so I wouldn't feel too down about it. Audio is something that is especially commonly neglected. Those additions you wanted do sound like they'd really add to the game if you wanted to add them post-jam. 

I'll suggest a few minor things since you want feedback. I'd change the scrolling speed of the ground since it feels out of sync with the enemies and the obstacles. I'd like more options for keys or a way to rebind them. And I also recommend adding more game feel such as particle effects. I think those things could elevate this even more!

(1 edit)

Thank you for the kind words and feedback! The scrolling speed was really janked together because I was trying to spawn the enemies as children of the parallax background but it was being weird so I ended up just spawning them in the scene normally and finding a speed that looked pretty close to the background scrolling speed. I would've liked to figure that one out, but I decided to move onto other things since I only had a few days to make the game.